目前分類:旅遊英文 (4)

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Cu:  Excuse me, I think I need your help.


Cl:  Yes, certainly sir. How can I

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My Luggage Seems to Be Missing!



C:  Clerk 客服人員

P:  passenger 旅客


C: May I help you?


P: I hope so. I’d like to look for my luggage. I can’t find it and I think my luggage

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Make a Reservation 訂房預約


(On the phone) 電話預約

Cl: YNSO Hotel, may I help you?


Gu: Can I reserve a double room for tomorrow night? I would like

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Room Service



Cl:  Room Service, May I help you?


Cu:  My friend and I are quite hungry; could we

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